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University of Liechtenstein accepted to sign Magna Charta Universitatum


Vaduz – The Observatory Governing Council of the “Magna Charta Universitatum” has reviewed the application of the University of Liechtenstein and approved it as a signatory of the Magna Charta MCU2020 in March 2021. At the next ceremony of the Bologna-based association, Rector Prof. Dr. Ulrike Baumöl will sign the agreement of principles.

The Magna Charta Universitatum was signed by some 400 rectors on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the University of Bologna on September 18, 1988. It lays down fundamental principles of university life and is intended to protect the idea of the humanistic university. The fundamental principles are the independence of institutions, academic freedom, the inseparability of research and teaching, and their moral and intellectual independence from political and economic influences. The aim of the charter is to formulate basic requirements for future university development and policy. Signatories to the charter now include 889 universities from 88 countries.

“Signing the charter places us as a young university even more firmly in the humanistic traditions of higher education and fosters bonds between European universities – including those between Europe’s small states,” says Rector Prof. Dr. Ulrike Baumöl, explaining the significance of the convention: “In addition, the ‘Magna Charta’ serves as a universal inspiration for our further development.”

Posted on 28/08/2020


Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territiories

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