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The Universitat d’Andorra promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


The Universitat d’Andorra is celebrating  the 70th anniversary of the signature of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris on December 10, 1948 , Resolution 217 A) by partnering with the International Solidarity for Human Rights  (ISHR, a Miami-based NGO) in carrying out an awareness campaign on its campus that will last until December 19, 2018.

The commemorating activity consists in dedicating each one of the thirty weeks of the academic year to a specific human right, illustrated by a corresponding ISHR-provided  educational exhibition.

In order to globally communicate the institution’s commitment to Human Rights,  the Universitat d’Andorra will post a UN-designed commemorative banner on its website  until December 19, 2018.

The UdA Universal Declaration of Human Rights awareness campaign is  being organized within the framework of events commemorating the Universitat d’Andorra’s 30 years of service to the Principality of Andorra.

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Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territiories

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